Residents of Canberra’s Mr Fluffy homes have an additional 16 in 100,000 lifetime risk of developing lung cancer or mesothelioma as a result of living in an asbestos-contaminated house, according to a Sydney public health expert.
How to handle an insurer who won’t pay up
June 29, 2015
Defendants with real punitive damages exposures have to be extremely vigilant in preserving their bad faith claims and then prosecuting them.
Libby Montana, a town forever changed by asbestos
June 1, 2015
In many ways, Libby is like any other small town. It sits nestled between bits of national forest, it has a train station and a few schools (go Loggers!), and for many years its economy was supported by the nearby logging and mining operations.
New Mexico Environmental Service says asbestos still a large concern
May 25, 2015
Mesothelioma commercials on television, with their representations of health-impaired seniors, evoke a bygone era when asbestos was a cheap construction material in every day use in commercial buildings.
UK Schools Contaminated with Asbestos, Denied Renovations
May 19, 2015
Three-quarters of schools have asbestos in their buildings. But some are unable to get rid of it because of disputes about who foots the bill
Durbin bill creates asbestos reporting requirements
March 10, 2015
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) wants the public to have access to up-to-date information on where asbestos has been found to reduce exposure to the potentially deadly substance.
TCF Bank workers sue, claiming unpaid overtime
March 4, 2015
Assistant branch managers at TCF Financial Corp. are suing the bank, claiming that the company misclassified their work to avoid paying them overtime.